2D Puppets: The Lunch Tent
The Lunch Tent is a free movie made for everyone
and especially those that work turnarounds,
shutdowns and expansion construction projects!
Pipefitters,welders,safety,scaffold builders,
boilermakers,electricians,riggers,crane operators,
forklift drivers,hole/bottle watchers,millwrights,
road crews,laborers/helpers,project supervision
and others can relate to the early morning long drives,
long shifts, daily dangers and yes...The Lunch Tent!
(Please share!)
24/7 message (800) 853-7876 (800) 8 JESUS 6
and especially those that work turnarounds,
shutdowns and expansion construction projects!
Pipefitters,welders,safety,scaffold builders,
boilermakers,electricians,riggers,crane operators,
forklift drivers,hole/bottle watchers,millwrights,
road crews,laborers/helpers,project supervision
and others can relate to the early morning long drives,
long shifts, daily dangers and yes...The Lunch Tent!
(Please share!)
24/7 message (800) 853-7876 (800) 8 JESUS 6
Rise and Shine - The Arky Arky Song - Cubekins