PRESS RELEASE: Chronicles of Faith: David, Issue 01 Released

This article was originally published on March 1, 2023

Mercy Ways Studios and Brainy Pixel Productions continue the stunning, Biblical tale of the Man After God's Own Heart

Decatur, Alabama, USA (March 01, 2023) — Award-winning studios Mercy Ways and Brainy Pixel Productions excitedly announced today the release of Issue 01 of Chronicles of Faith: David, whose story resumes immediately after their head-turning prequel to David's beautiful and Biblical tale from last year's Issue 00.

As they continue to forge a deeper and stronger tie between their two creative Christian companies, Salvadorian comics creators, Mercy Ways has worked tirelessly over the last year hand-in-glove with U.S. based Animation and Production company, Brainy Pixel, to produce the next issue of the full-color, 32-page, world-class comic that continues the tale of David, the shepherd who will become King, but in a way that you've never seen before. Issue 01, subtitled "The Heart of A King," picks up where Issue 00 leaves off and does not disappoint. The digital version of the comic is on sale now at and on and will be dropping on soon. A print-on-demand version of the comic should be ready within a week's time, and the books will be available in both Spanish and English from day one.

"We're so blessed to get to work with the amazingly talented team at Mercy Ways, and this project is sorely needed,” stated Brainy Pixel CCO/COO Brannon Hollingsworth. “The Enemy is hard at work to distract and destroy our youth and children, and it is incumbent upon Christian creators to use their God-given gifts to draw people to an encounter with Christ and the Holy Spirit. This comic has already proven that it can do just that.”

Ivan Anaya, artist, writer, and Art Director for Mercy Ways adds, "Issue 01 of Chronicles of Faith: David delves deeply into the Book of Samuel, spooling out the narrative of David's early life while also building what is to come as we surround the Biblical account with the historical context. We're very excited that Issue 01 can now be in the hands of our fans and not just our Patreon supporters and Indiegogo backers."

Mercy Ways Studios ( is an established and award-winning studio in their own right, having won the 2017 Best Children’s Bible Product Award in Germany for their 12 Issue series, Fear Not, published in collaboration with the Bible Society of El Salvador. The studio has also just completed two simultaneous children's Bible projects for Unilit, both of which are on sale now.

Brainy Pixel Productions ( is a Christian Animation and Production studio responsible for several shows including Cubekins, Knight's Hunt, PicTrain, Molly's Memory Verse, and more, and has been nominated for over 65 awards in the Christian film space. Currently, they're partnered with Answers In Genesis, Yippee.TV, and Loor.TV, while also developing several of their own shows based on Brainy Pixel-held IP.

All issues of the comic, Chronicles of Faith: David, are on sale now with the English version available at and the Spanish version available at Support the project via Patreon here:


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