Raising Dragons (Dragons in Our Midst #1) (Copy)
Raising Dragons is the first of Bryan Davis’s Dragons in Our Midst series. This modern Arthurian tale of good and evil, dragons and knights, and the collision of the mundane and the fantastical is a riveting and action-packed book with a heart of gold.
Raising Dragons is a high-quality, well-written book with a sensory-rich and smart writing style. Pulling deep inspiration from the Arthurian legends, this modern tale of knights, dragons, fair maidens, and faith is an exciting adventure from start to finish. From the ancient days of King Arthur’s knights sitting at the round table to the small-town high school dramas, the epic world of dragons mixes with the ordinary of day-to-day life, creating a genuine and well-balanced story.
The book is completely unashamed in its Christianity; however, it avoids any kind of sermonizing or obtuse preaching. The Christian elements are woven into the story in a very natural way that makes sense for the plot and the characters. The story also lends itself to realism when it comes to types of people who claim Christianity. There are the true Christians who believe in Jesus and seek to follow after Him, as well as those who are simply using the authority of God’s name for their own gain, which is very insightful.
Writing Style: 7 out of 7 Little Lights
Plot: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Worldbuilding: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Characters: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Theological Message: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Overall: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Hey, the first SALT review of something I actually read as the intended audience! Way back in my earlier years of reading, the Dragons in Our Midst series briefly graced the shelves of our home as my brother developed an obsession with them and I tagged along. I didn’t finish the series initially, but that was mostly because I couldn’t find the second book and despise reading things out of order. However, thanks to the books being republished (with gorgeous new covers, btw), I have the opportunity to enjoy the series properly all the way through!
(Disclaimer: I did, in fact, reread Raising Dragons to prep for this article; my memory isn’t THAT good).
When I was younger, my review probably would have read something like “it was definitely good, but not as good as Ranger’s Apprentice” or some other series I was reading at the time. Part of this is how the book lends itself to a more boy-centered audience; not that deterred me much (see above with Ranger’s Apprentice), but I was unable to relate to the characters and humor as fully as I could in other series.
However, as an adult, I am able to pick up and truly appreciate a lot more of the nuance in the story. Even if I still don’t fully relate to the characters or some of the humor, I am wholeheartedly invested in the message and quality of writing that the book has to offer. This is a really smartly written book with strong male and female characters as well as excellent messages of forgiveness, how to navigate a sense of betrayal, standing up to evil, holding onto your faith, self-sacrifice, and protecting the ones you love. All of this is wrapped up in a fantastic, almost poetic writing style that really draws on the Arthurian legends the book takes much of its inspiration from.
Dragons in Our Midst: Raising Dragons is a fantastic, Arthurian-inspired adventure suitable for tween and teen boys and girls. This well-written story encourages bravery in the face of adversity, standing for what is right, family values, self-sacrifice, and keeping your faith in the middle of trials.
Where to Enjoy
Amazon: Raising Dragons (Dragons in Our Midst): 9781496451606: Davis, Bryan: Books
Author’s Website: #1 Raising Dragons – Author Bryan Davis Website (theauthorschair.com)
Christianbook.com: Raising Dragons, Softcover, #1: Bryan Davis: 9781496451606
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