The Shift
The Shift by Angel Studios is a genre-breaking tale of endurance and faithfulness through trials on a dystopic backdrop. Part multiverse-hopping quest, part underdog rebellion, part romance, this Job-influenced epic is sorrowful, joyful, and has set a new standard for Christian speculative fiction in movies.
This movie one of the most high-quality movies to come out in recent years. The biggest question for it, however, is what genre is this movie?!
Part scifi, part romance, part deeply theological discussion on suffering, the movie somewhat defies conventional genres. This may make it a little unapproachable to some — genres are genres for a reason — but this movie wears its various hats excellently.
The scifi part of the movie is straightforward and easy to grasp without being a scifi enthusiast. And, if you are a scifi enthusiast, the multiverse plot element is handled in a way that is refreshingly simple and doesn’t take the energy or urgency out of the primary characters’ plots, as a multiverse set up can sometimes do. The struggle of the main Kevin in the universe is not made any less important and significant because there are an untold number of Kevin doppelgangers out there.
The romance part of the movie is another tricky thing to navigate. The word romance often implies a cloying rom-com with cheesy one-liners and shallow, drama-filled relationships. This is not the case with The Shift. The romantic plot between Kevin and his wife is sweet, a little cringe in the best kind of way (mostly her flirting technique that needs a little work), and very real in the hardships it has had to endure.
In terms of theology, the story is faithful and overtly Christian without being heavy handed or preachy in the slightest. At no point do you feel like this movie is a thinly disguised sermon nor does the movie shy away from the messier parts of suffering. Kevin gets angry at God and frustrated in his suffering, but he ultimately turns back to faith.
Now, The Shift is, of course, not a direct retelling of Job, however, it faithfully recreates that endurance over a long, exhausting season of trials. Kevin’s personal growth and the temptations and trials that he faces all fit into the story’s overall narrative quite well.
Writing: 6 out of 7 Little Stars
Filmmaking: 6 out of 7 Little Stars
Acting: 5 out of 7 Little Stars
Cleanliness: 5 out of 7 Little Stars
Theological Message: 6 out of 7 little Lights
Overall: 6 out of 7 Little Stars
This movie was one of the best I’ve seen — either from Christian studios or Hollywood proper — in years. The writing was tight, the acting superb, the special effects and editing fantastic, and the theological message was beautiful and heartbreaking. Sometimes all we can do is endure.
The story of Job in the Bible is — in my opinion — an underutilized tale in modern U.S. Christianity. Our focus for encouragement is always happy scenery with clouds and doves and Philippians 4:13 written in cursive. And sometimes that is the encouragement we need! Sometimes we need that reminder that Light exists and we’re not alone.
However, sometimes we need the reminder that the fallen world is awful and we’re just going to have to endure it and, while we suffer, God will sustain us. Sometimes the point of suffering is not how quickly we are restored, but in how well we hold up (with God’s help) under the pressure of it. Sometimes suffering just sucks and the only hope we have is that God is faithful to us.
(Also, keep an eye out for sasquatch--I mean, our COO, Brannon in the movie! He made his acting debut as an extra throughout the film!)
The Shift, directed by Brock Heasley, is a multi-genre, Job-influenced Christian film that warps the multiverse into a spectacular tale of suffering and joy. Part science fiction, part romance, full of faith, this movie weaves an epic tapestry of victory over severe trials and temptations.
Where to Enjoy
Angel Studios: The Shift (2023) | Official Website | Now Streaming on Angel Studios
Amazon: Watch The Shift | Prime Video (
Apple TV: The Shift - Apple TV
YouTube: The Shift (
Angel Studios: The Shift DVD or Blu-ray – Angel Studios Gift Factory
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