You Got This!
ECC, Encouragement, Season 1 Brainy Worker ECC, Encouragement, Season 1 Brainy Worker

You Got This!

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” - 2 Timothy 2:15

Alright, Christian creative, we’ve reached the end of this first season of Encouraging Christian Creatives. Hopefully you have been encouraged and have a pocketful of new tools, skills, tricks, and habits to help you navigate this creative life through a Godly lens!

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Encourage Others!
ECC, Encouragement, Season 1 Brainy Worker ECC, Encouragement, Season 1 Brainy Worker

Encourage Others!

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” - Hebrews 10:24-25

When was the last time you talk to a fellow creative and what did you talk about? Do you remember what the tone of the conversation was? Was it upbeat and enthusiastic, or was it full of grumbling and complaints?

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Our Work is for GOD, Not Man
God Instructs Our Work, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker God Instructs Our Work, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker

Our Work is for GOD, Not Man

Being diligent, obedient, and sacrificial in your job is serving Jesus. No, really! It says it right there in the Bible! You don’t have to have a direct ministry calling or go live as a hermit, only studying the Word, or become a monk or nun to serve Jesus. Unless He calls you specifically to something different, He wants you to be diligent in the job He has given you — be that creative or not!

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No, We Don't Have to Put Bible Verses Everywhere
God Instructs Our Work, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker God Instructs Our Work, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker

No, We Don't Have to Put Bible Verses Everywhere

…putting Bible verses or drawing little crosses into the things we create is not a requirement or a commandment, especially when it comes from glorified peer pressure. Indeed, God’s Word says nothing about needing to put Scriptural references into our work and it says a lot about the kind of work we are called to do.

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We Are the Salt and Light of the Earth
God Instructs Our Work, ECC Brainy Worker God Instructs Our Work, ECC Brainy Worker

We Are the Salt and Light of the Earth

I have a lot to say on the topic of salt. It seasons and preserves food, serves as a necessary electrolyte, and it is delicious. It’s a significant and important factor in our oceans, providing a home for numerous species of plants and animals. In fact, salt is so important that it is one of the five major taste sensations!

But the Bible asks a good question: what good is salt that has lost its saltiness?

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