A Wrinkle in Time
Madeline L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time has long been held as a staple in middle grade science fiction and fantasy. A mind-bending adventure across the stars in an ultimate battle between obviously good and obviously evil, this story paints a beautiful and fantastical adventure for children of all ages.
One of the most charming aspects of Madeline L’Engle’s writing is the living, breathing world outside our own that she creates. Once the characters leave their comfortable little home, they are whisked away to several worlds filled with creatures that imaginative and wondrous, from the nearly blind caretakers of Ixchel to the hymn-singing winged horses of Uriel. Every creature is deliberately crafted and brought into the world with full knowledge of God.
On top of the fun, there is a serious, blunt, and excellent Christian element to the adventure. In all the peril and drama of the story, there remains a strong element of hope and reminder that God is ultimately in control. He is ever present, even if there are things that the characters must do alone.
Writing: 5 out of 7 Little Lights
Story: 7 out of 7 Little Lights
Theological Message: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Age-Appropriateness: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Overall: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
This book was one of my absolute favorite reads of 2023. Growing up the stories were always fondly mentioned by my mother, who read them in middle school, but I never got my hands on a copy until recently. In many ways I am thankful that I did wait so long to read it, so that I could enjoy the refreshing bluntness of both the Christian message and the good-vs-evil struggle as an adult often wearied by modern media. I cannot describe what a balm it was to see such unashamed Christianity on display in the heart of an epic science fiction/fantasy story!
The story is simple in message, but rich in the details of familial relations and worldbuilding, striking an excellent balance between the two.
I believe my only complaint with the story is with Meg, who has a tendency to overreact to every situation she comes across with a lot of yelling and tears. That, however, that can be easily excused when I remember that she is still very much a child, who is suddenly having to face a great and impossible evil. Of all the MG and YA characters that have come out to date, Meg may be a bit of an exaggeration at times, but she has the heart of someone who is actually the age she professes to be. There is no “outwardly a child, inwardly an adult” in her characterization.
In essence, this is an excellent book for people of all ages! From its intended audience — who may not grasp the nuances and fine details of the story but will understand the major points — to adults who need something encouraging and a little wondrous, this story is a delight.
If you have a child that is looking for something that is either science fiction or fantasy, this is an excellent book [and book series!] to get them started on. While the Christian message may not be as deep as a story like Narnia might present, it is foundational and comforting, without being too preach-y or on the nose. The imaginativeness of the story will delight and inspire children of all ages, really, and many adults.
Where to Find It:
AbeBooks: A Wrinkle in Time - AbeBooks
Amazon: A Wrinkle in Time (Time Quintet) by Madeleine L'Engle (amazon.com)
Barnes & Noble: A Wrinkle in Time (B&N Exclusive Edition) (Time Quintet Series #1) by Madeleine L'Engle
Books-a-Million: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle (booksamillion.com)
Christian Book: A Wrinkle in Time Trilogy: Madeleine L'Engle: 9781250003430 - Christianbook.com
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