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The Christian & Faith-Based go-to media review series that spotlights faith-driven books, films, and podcasts worth your time.

The High Crusade
Sci-Fi, Books Brainy Worker Sci-Fi, Books Brainy Worker

The High Crusade

The High Crusade is a tongue-in-cheek chivalric space opera by renown science fiction writer Poul Anderson. In this book, the conquering Wersgorix aliens arrive in fourteenth century England with the intention of scaring the locals into submission. Unable to anticipate the ferocity of the local English baron, Sir Roger de Tourneville and the fervent faith of the Englishmen under his leadership, the aliens are overpowered. With the captured alien ship, Sir Roger packs up the entire town of Ansby with the intention of assisting King Edward III in the Hundred Years’ War, not knowing that journey will take a detour of a few hundred lightyears.

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The Restorer
Books, Supernatural Brainy Worker Books, Supernatural Brainy Worker

The Restorer

The Restorer: The Power of Deception by Ted Jordan is a supernatural political spy thriller as the intelligence agency VECTOR 5 races against a terrorist organization known as The Apparatus, which is seeking to codify Sharia law into the U.S. judicial system.

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That Hideous Strength
Books, Sci-Fi, C.S. Lewis Brainy Worker Books, Sci-Fi, C.S. Lewis Brainy Worker

That Hideous Strength

The final entry into C.S. Lewis’ The Space Trilogy is an author-described “fairytale for adults”. That Hideous Strength is part Arthurian legend, part dystopic nightmare, part study on the intricacies or both human nature and spiritual warfare, pulling no punches on any of these topics.

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Books, Sci-Fi, C.S. Lewis Brainy Worker Books, Sci-Fi, C.S. Lewis Brainy Worker


The sequel to C.S. Lewis’ Out of the Silent Planet and second installment of his space trilogy, Perelandra, is a blunt, breathtaking, and intricately crafted allegory on the temptation of sin and retelling of the Biblical story of Eden.

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Out of the Silent Planet
Books, Sci-Fi, C.S. Lewis Brainy Worker Books, Sci-Fi, C.S. Lewis Brainy Worker

Out of the Silent Planet

Out of the Silent Planet is the first installment of C.S. Lewis’ space epic The Ransom Trilogy. In this 1938 novel, a philologist named Elwin Ransom is kidnapped by two scientists, Devine and Weston, and taken to the planet of Malacandra to be handed over to the natives. Through a twisting and turning adventure across this alien world, Ransom confronts new species of sentients, strange ethereal beings, and perils of all kinds, including hunger and cold. Through this, Ransom discovers the cosmos is not what he thought it would be and that it is, in fact, teeming with life and sentient creatures beyond his imagination.

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Magnificent Mulligans: Dolphins in Danger
Middle Grade, Tyndale House Publishing, Books Brainy Worker Middle Grade, Tyndale House Publishing, Books Brainy Worker

Magnificent Mulligans: Dolphins in Danger

The Magnificent Mulligans: Dolphins in Danger is another outstanding middle-grade adventure novel written by Bill Myers. In this story, the Mulligans — two parents, eight children, and a whole park full of animals — encounter rogue dolphins, errant tennis players, hungry flamingoes, one giant cougar in a tiny airplane, and a variety of lessons on disobedience and its consequences. All of which are narrated by the delightful Winona, the family chimpanzee.

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Magnificent Mulligans: What a Croc!
Middle Grade, Tyndale House Publishing, Books Brainy Worker Middle Grade, Tyndale House Publishing, Books Brainy Worker

Magnificent Mulligans: What a Croc!

The fourth book of the Magnificent Mulligans series, What a Croc!, sees the Mulligan family racing around town to catch their wayward animals, all while battling against a supposed curse and preparing for an upcoming mayoral election. With a core message of trusting in God to work out all things for your good, the Mulligans must serenade irate elephants, corral hungry crocodiles, and hunt down…ghosts?

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Smoke in the Air!
Middle Grade, Tyndale House Publishing, Books Brainy Worker Middle Grade, Tyndale House Publishing, Books Brainy Worker

Smoke in the Air!

The Mulligan family is back for another messy and heartfelt adventure in Smoke in the Air! written by Bill Myers and published by Tyndale House Publishing. This third entry into the Magnificent Mulligans series is a red-hot disaster as a raging fire threatens the wildlife park. Split into teams, the family must race to protect each other and the animals under their care, learning important lessons about sacrifice, love, and salvation.

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Lions, Elephants, and Lies

Lions, Elephants, and Lies

Lions, Elephants, and Lies is the second book of the high-flying Magnificent Mulligan’s series, written by Bill Myers and published by Tyndale Publishing House. The peril is turned up to 11 in Lions, Elephants, and Lies as the various Mulligan teams encounter the consequences of lying as Jessica and Janelle switch places at school while Dad, Nick, and Lisa all head to Botswana to help an orphaned baby elephant and encounter a team of poachers.

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Leapin’ Leopards
Middle Grade, Books, Tyndale House Publishing Brainy Worker Middle Grade, Books, Tyndale House Publishing Brainy Worker

Leapin’ Leopards

Leapin’ Leopards is the first book in Bill Myer’s exciting, animal-packed adventure series, The Magnificent Mulligans. The Mulligans, a large family in charge of the 1350-acre Mulligan Wild Animal Park have their hands full with the birth of a baby giraffe, middle school fashion drama, and an escaped leopard name Freda. All these adventures lovingly transcribed to the reader by the wry-humored family chimpanzee, Winona.

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Saintly Creatures
Books, Kids Brainy Worker Books, Kids Brainy Worker

Saintly Creatures

Saintly Creatures is a beautifully illustrated children’s book that outlines the stories of 14 Christian saints and their animal companions.

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The Trail Ends in Texas
Books, Western Brainy Worker Books, Western Brainy Worker

The Trail Ends in Texas

The Trail Ends in Texas is a beautifully written and theologically powerful Western trilogy by T.W. Lawrence. Set in an ambiguous period of America’s Wild West era, this story follows Cowboy, a man searching for answers to his spiritual restlessness, and his faithful horse Dusty. The journey leads him up into the mountains of Montana, then back down to his home in Texas, meeting various characters and challenges along the way, each with a kernel of Christian truth.

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The Inn at the Forest's Edge
Books, Fantasy Brainy Worker Books, Fantasy Brainy Worker

The Inn at the Forest's Edge

The Inn at the Forest’s Edge is a charming, spooky fantasy novelette by debut author Raymond Keith. Set in the fantastical world of Veardalan, this story follows the adventure of young Johann, a stable boy swept up in the myths and magic of the ominous forest that looms large over his village. The inn he works at, sitting peacefully at the forest’s edge, holds a plethora of its own secrets within its walls.

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Borderland, Israel in the Time of Jesus
Books, Non-fiction, Answers in Genesis Brainy Worker Books, Non-fiction, Answers in Genesis Brainy Worker

Borderland, Israel in the Time of Jesus

Borderland: Israel in the Time of Jesus published by Answers in Genesis is an in-depth look behind the scenes for the Borderland exhibit featured by the Creation Museum. This book dives into the processes of development, implementation, and creation of the exhibit from the first inkling of an idea to the exhaustive historical research to the building of the props and, finally, the assembly of the exhibit itself.

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Jesus vs. the Bad Guys
Books, Kids, Tyndale House Publishing Brainy Worker Books, Kids, Tyndale House Publishing Brainy Worker

Jesus vs. the Bad Guys

Jesus vs. the Bad Guys is a new children’s book written by Connor Shram and Jared Neusch with illustrations by Daniel Duncan. This imaginative and Scripturally-based story takes a look at Jesus’ teachings of nonviolence and the love of one’s enemies. This story presents the richness of the Gospel in a charming and kid-friendly manner using age-appropriate metaphors and comparisons.

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Books, Fantasy Brainy Worker Books, Fantasy Brainy Worker


The first book of R.M. Huffman’s antediluvian epic — Leviathan — centers itself around life in the post-Fall, pre-Flood world. Set in a lush landscape filled with the beginnings of human civilization and all manner of now-extinct species (triceratops! Saber-tooth tigers! Moa!), this tale of humanity, faith, and the basics of good vs. evil is a fantastical ride through the early millennia of Earth.

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Books, Sci-Fi, Children's Fiction Brainy Worker Books, Sci-Fi, Children's Fiction Brainy Worker


Chuck Black’s first book of the Starlore Legacy series, Nova, is a fighter-pilot space opera for middle-grade to YA students. Crafted in the vein of Dune and Star Wars on the foundation of Biblical retellings, Nova promises great adventure and political intrigue, all wrapped up in a star-spanning, coming-of-age tale.

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Mateo's Choice
SALT, Review, Books Brainy Worker SALT, Review, Books Brainy Worker

Mateo's Choice

Mateo’s Choice is an excellent Christian primer for kids! Written in a simple, but easy to understand way, it tackles major theological points about salvation, who we become in Christ, and why a renewed heart is a good thing.

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