Smoke in the Air!


The Mulligan family is back for another messy and heartfelt adventure in Smoke in the Air! written by Bill Myers and published by Tyndale House Publishing. This third entry into the Magnificent Mulligans series is a red-hot disaster as a raging fire threatens the wildlife park. Split into teams, the family must race to protect each other and the animals under their care, learning important lessons about sacrifice, love, and salvation.


The Magnificent Mulligans series has truly hit its stride in Smoke in the Air! As with the other books, this one has three distinct plots, ranging from the action-packed to the mundane school drama. This book, however, the usually distinct plots are all woven together with the same, looming disaster: a wildfire that is threatening the Mulligan home and animal refuge. As the various Mulligan teams all work tirelessly to protect each other and the animals of the wildlife park, they each encounter a different element of God’s love and learn how to strengthen their relationship with Him.

Smoke in the Air! is a lot more theologically significant than the previous two books. Not too heavy for the story by any means but the story focused on one of the weightiest topics in Christianity: the fact that Christ took our place, suffered, and died for us. The book manages to pull this off with the adorable Magnificent Mulligans charm, telling the story in a heartfelt way that never felt heavy-handed or preachy. Nothing feels out of place either in how the message is conveyed or the fun, adventure elements of the story as it all flows together into one, seamless book.


  • Writing Style: 6 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Plot: 6 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Worldbuilding: 6 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Characters: 7 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Theological Message: 7 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Overall: 6 out of 7 Little Lights


Not going to lie, this might be my favorite of the Magnificent Mulligans series. I have truly enjoyed every one of the Mulligan books I’ve read, but this one hits the perfect spot of epic adventure, heartfelt character moments, and spectacular theology. The drama of the impending fire plus the strong, Scriptural message put together in one fantastic, sassy, and chimpanzee-narrated novel? Absolutely, yes, you have my time and complete attention.

As much as I want to deep dive into every element of this novel, I want to zero in and — in a not-spoiler-y fashion — highlight my favorite character arc of the series, which is Hector’s. His story in Smoke in the Air! is such a fantastic look at how salvation works. It doesn’t work because we are perfect and it doesn’t work because we are able to make up for what our sin through our own efforts (which, in fact, often make things far worse!). Salvation only works because Jesus Christ took our place, suffered, and died for us. That is an incredibly important and powerful message to pass on to the next generation.

Now, this book may be a little intense for more sensitive readers due to some of the content both in the adventure (wildfire spreading rapidly, both people and animals in peril) and the theological message (suffering for someone else). However, I think the story is a good introduction to the idea that Christ did, indeed, suffer for us. In my opinion, it is incredibly important to — in an age-appropriate fashion — teach children the truth about what God had to do to appease His own wrath against us. This book does an exceptionally good job of bringing that lesson down to the more familiar level of a human father and son (and the son is adopted, no less! Another wonderful theological layer!) without straying too far into all the gory details.


The third installment of the Magnificent Mulligans series, Smoke in the Air!, is a high-stakes adventure with plenty of peril and mayhem as the Mulligan family races to protect their animals from a dangerous wildfire. The most theologically weighty of the Magnificent Mulligan series, this book tackles key concepts to our salvation in a relatable and child-friendly way, showing a glimpse of what Christ’s love and sacrifice for us looks like.

Where to Enjoy

Amazon: Smoke in the Air! (Magnificent Mulligans): 9781646071197: Myers, Bill: Books

Barnes & Noble: Smoke in the Air! by Bill Myers, Paperback Smoke in the Air!: Bill Myers: 9781646071197

Tyndale: Tyndale | Smoke in the Air!

Walmart: Smoke in the Air! (Paperback)

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This review is for this specific product and this product alone. In no way, shape, or form is this review meant to be an endorsement of the private lives, individual choices, lifestyles, or behaviors of those company(ies), publisher(s), creator(s), producer(s), author(s), artist(s), etc. associated with this product. It is God's sole providence alone to judge, and we make no claim to this right. With our reviews, we're simply looking at the value and merits of this specific product alone through the content and perspective of a Christian worldview. We pray you find it helpful and useful.


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