Magnificent Mulligans: What a Croc!


The fourth book of the Magnificent Mulligans series, What a Croc!, sees the Mulligan family racing around town to catch their wayward animals, all while battling against a supposed curse and preparing for an upcoming mayoral election. With a core message of trusting in God to work out all things for your good, the Mulligans must serenade irate elephants, corral hungry crocodiles, and hunt down…ghosts?


Another fantastic novel in the Magnificent Mulligans series, What a Croc! brings in the same, core elements that made the previous three books to a new set of adventures. From the relatable school tryouts to the twisting and turning political plot involving the mayor, a fortuneteller, and several missing seals, the Mulligan family once again has their hands full.

The main lesson in What a Croc! is trusting that God will work things out for the good of all those He loves, even when it seems as though the entire world is up against them. It also has a strong, cautionary element about visiting fortunetellers — even just for fun — and how, most of the time, clairvoyants tend to just be scam artists.


  • Writing Style: 6 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Plot: 5 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Worldbuilding: 5 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Characters: 5 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Theological Message: 6 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Overall: 5 out of 7 Little Lights


This may be my least favorite of the Magnificent Mulligan series, which is honestly not saying much because I still love it tremendously! With the wry, sassy narration, the fantastic Biblical message, the heartwarming and relatable family moments, this book continues the series exceptionally well.

One of my favorite parts of What a Croc! is the fact that it doesn’t leave the novel’s lesson at “don’t go to fortunetellers” (although that is an exceptionally good lesson in and of itself), but ties that into a greater message of trusting God. In this, it answers part of why going to fortune tellers is a bad idea: because we are supposed to be trusting in God and only God to work things out for our good.

I also appreciated the fact that everything worked out for the characters’ good but not necessarily in the way that they expected. Sometimes the character got what they wanted, but other times they didn’t, however things worked out in a much better way than they could have anticipated. When God is in control, we may not get what we want, but we will get what we (and the people around us) need.


The Magnificent Mulligans have returned with their messiest disaster yet in What a Croc!. The animals keep getting loose, there’s a supposed curse on the wildlife park, and its election season! After a disastrous meeting with a fortuneteller, the Mulligans are faced with the ultimate choice: to trust in a so-called curse, or to trust in the God who made and loves them?

Where to Enjoy

Amazon: What a Croc! (Magnificent Mulligans): 9781646071203: Myers, Bill: Books

Barnes & Noble: What a Croc! by Bill Myers, Paperback What a Croc!: Bill Myers: 9781646071203

Tyndale: What a Croc!

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