Refiner's Fire


Like a Refiner’s Fire is the Book of Malachi, beautifully illustrated by Stephen Crotts. This illuminated book of the Bible brings a richer context and shines a bright light on this deeply prophetic text.


This book is beautiful in its simplicity. The artwork, done mostly in tones of purple and black, white, or grey, has a woodcut style to it that keeps it simple, but still elegant. No grand illustrations to wow the reader, just simple symbolism and artwork to add a layer of depth to the words.

This version works to highlight the courtroom aspect of Malachi’s structure; the Israelites’ cross-examination of God and His work in their kingdom as He calls out their sin. Each question the Israelites ask — such as “how have you loved us?” and “how have we defiled you?” — is highlighted to draw attention to it, forcing the reader to confront the Israelites’ pride and contempt directly. What they are doing and how they are behaving is forefront, while God’s replies follow immediately and plainly, correcting their perceptions and rendering judgement upon Israel.


  • Artwork: 6 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Writing: 7 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Theological Message: 7 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Overall: 6 out of 7 Little Lights


I really loved this illustrated version of Malachi! The artwork was beautiful and had an almost rustic feel that carried the weight of the book’s prophetic content exceptionally well. It shied away from nothing — much like the words of Malachi — and added an extra layer of depth to the imagery that God’s pronouncements presented.

The book also has an excellent forward that provides additional information on the role of Malachi in the Bible and places the book in its wider context as a prophecy for Israel. Nowhere in the forward or in the book itself did I get the sense that the creators were trying to insert their own words, intentions, or interpretations into the Scripture. The focus was on presenting God’s word as plainly and neatly as possible.

Refiner’s Fire emphasizes the questions of the Israelites, bringing out their arrogance and allowing the words of God to step in and correct them. Symbolic artwork helps emphasize this dynamic, presenting poignant imagery of the Israelites’ sin and God’s response in a way that I appreciated. In many ways, the questions of the Israelites are questions that we Christians often ask in our arrogance or confusion and the overall message of Malachi’s


This illustrated version of Malachi, titled Refiner’s Fire, is a beautiful and thoughtful presentation of this prophetic book. With the emphasis on the Word of God, the illustrations within the book provide context and symbolism, seeking to aid the reader’s understanding of the Scripture.

Where to Enjoy

Fish Coin Press: Malachi: Like a Refiner’s Fire | Fish Coin Press

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