The Little Red Hen


The Little Red Hen is an audiodrama for children created by the Academy of Arts (same folks who put on Logos Theatre). Designed as a musical play, based off of Aesop’s fables, and with an unshakeable Biblical core, this story follows the adventures of the Little Red Hen as she goes through the laborious process of making cornbread, starting with three kernels of corn. Filled with a variety of farm animal friends (including an owl and a possum), this delightful story focuses on the importance of teamwork, a servant’s heart, and reaping what you sow.


The story focuses on the messages of 2 Thessalonians 3:10 (”For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.”) and Matthew 7:12 (”So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them…”).

The drama goes through Little Red’s efforts to make a famous cornbread recipe by acquiring the kernels, growing the corn, grinding the corn into cornmeal, getting the recipe, and baking the cornbread. Through each of these steps, Little Red asks her friends — the variety of farm and backcountry critters that are present throughout the story — for help and each time they turn her down.

It always circles back to one of its two main messages: he who does not work should not eat and do unto others as you would have them do unto you, ultimately tying them into a cute and cohesive knot. The story also touches on other relevant topics, such as why communism is Biblically a bad idea, and showing grace and mercy to others, especially if they are repentant and sincere.


  • Writing: 5 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Plot: 5 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Characters: 5 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Acting: 6 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Theological Message: 5 out of 7 Little Lights

  • Overall: 5 out of 7 Little Lights


I absolutely love the characterization of all the animals, but my particular favorites were Little Red and Possum. Little Red, specifically in scenes where she wasn’t speaking in English, sounded exactly like how a happy chicken would (I live on a farm, so happy chicken noises are a particular favorite). For Possum, I hadn’t been expecting a New York accent, but it made absolute perfect sense once I heard him speaking.

My one complaint is a relatively minor one; in the song “One Generation”, which sings about how easy it is for a generation to fall away from Christ and how we have to return to the cross, there are a few verses in there that are focused on being patriotic to America.

Now, let me preface by saying I am 100% pro-American, pro-teaching kids about American history [the good and the bad] and encouraging them to be active in their communities and the governments as citizens. I am also completely for a return to America’s Christian values and morality. One Nation Under God! Teach the children to love their country and strive to make it better!

However, I am exceedingly cautious when patriotism is — or is perceived to be — lifted up as an equal to obeying or worshipping Christ. The song’s focus up to those verses were how people needed to turn back to Christ, then it suddenly shifts to turning back to American values, putting it in the same category.

This is, overall, a small nitpick and one that does not detract from my enjoyment of the audiodrama as a whole or my recommendation of it as an excellent story with tons of good lessons for littles. This would make an excellent addition to any child’s storytelling library!


The Little Red Hen, a musical-turned-audiodrama is a well-orchestrated and high-quality story. The songs are cute and catchy, the writing is tight and well-done, and the theology of kindness to others and diligence in work is rock solid. This is a story that would be appropriate for all ages, but will likely appeal more to younger kids, rather than older ones. Brought to you by the Academy of Art and many of the writers and actors from the Logos Theatre, this production is thoughtful, insightful, and heartwarming.

Where to Enjoy

Academy of Arts: Little Red Hen Audio Drama - The Academy of Arts Ministries

Not Consumed Ministries: Little Red Hen Audio Drama (

Disclaimer: This review is for this specific product and this product alone. In no way, shape, or form is this review meant to be an endorsement of the private lives, individual choices, lifestyles, or behaviors of those company(ies), publisher(s), creator(s), producer(s), author(s), artist(s), etc. associated with this product. It is God's sole providence alone to judge, and we make no claim to this right. With our reviews, we're simply looking at the value and merits of this specific product alone through the content and perspective of a Christian worldview. We pray you find it helpful and useful.


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