Buzzle Billy
Buzzle Billy is a picture book written by Michael P. Waite and illustrated by Jill Colbert Trousdale. In it, kids are introduced to a message about sharing in the delightful world of the Buzzles.
Buzzle Billy is part of the Building Christian Character series published from the 1980s and 1990s. It focuses on the core message of sharing and what the consequences of greedy behavior are. In it, the Buzzles are a community of playing and sharing. When one of them becomes greedy, they get a case of the “Gimme Hands”, which essentially makes them grow another hand to hold the toy they were so greedy for. When Billy starts taking all of the toys, he grows a bunch of “gimme hands” and everyone slowly stops playing with him until another Buzzle comes by and teaches him how to share again.
Artwork: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Writing: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Age-Appropriateness: 7 out of 7 Little Lights
Theological Message: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
Overall: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
This was a very refreshing and delightful kids’ message! This might be an odd thing to say, but it felt like it was written and illustrated with kids actually in mind. It seems like a lot of kids’ stories nowadays are trying too hard to make it big or are actually marketed towards parents with much more vague or “lofty” messages. In essence, it feels like modern children’s fiction is simply trying to entertain, rather than encourage or edify.
This book has a clear point it is trying to make, and it explains that in a very kid-approachable way with fun rhymes and really adorable art. I like how it is whimsical and fun without being too Dr. Seuss-y. Additionally, each story comes with a little, helpful letter to the parents that are reading the story, expanding on the lesson in the book, and a short, relevant Bible verse in the back.
Buzzle Billy, part of the Building Christian Character series, is an adorable children’s book about the importance of sharing. With Scripture to back it up and imaginative artwork, this story is a fantastic lesson for littles!
Where to Enjoy
AbeBooks: Buzzle Billy: A Book About Sharing (Building Christian Character) - Michael P. Waite: 9781555132187
Thriftbooks: Buzzle Billy: A Book About Sharing... book by Michael P. Waite (
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