The Christian & Faith-Based go-to media review series that spotlights faith-driven books, films, and podcasts worth your time.

God Meant it for Good
God Mean it for Good is another impressive production put on by The Logos Theatre. A Biblically-accurate retelling of the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors (Genesis 37), this play presents the complex story of his dreams, being sold into slavery in Egypt, his eventual rise to power, and the eventual salvation of his entire family during a famine.

The Story of Samson the Nazirite
The Story of Samson the Nazirite by Luis Serrano is a flashy, violent, and true-to-the-Biblical-account graphic novel of Samson. Shying away from nothing, this comic series brings the best of modern-day superhero adventures to the ancient tale. Covering the complete story found in Judges 13-16, this series is perfect for any fan of Conan the Barbarian and Red Sonja.