Rescue Me! (Collector’s Edition)
Rescue Me! is a superhero-themed comic book devotional by Bryce Morgan and Mitch Martin. In this comic, the super powered Captain Sun must rescue Capital City from the evil Black-Out, a villain bent on covering the entire city in darkness.
Rescue Me! is a delightful little comic with a good heart for spreading the gospel in a kid-friendly and approachable way. The story is easy to follow and radiates a love for all the classic elements of superhero comics, presenting its message without losing the strong, Christ-centered core.
There are a few minor issues that are mostly grammatical/formatting, some slightly confusing panels of artwork, or a few odd pacing choices. The theology occasionally tries a bit hard to merge the superhero and the Biblical into one, coherent message but, overall, each devotional makes a lot of sense and is Scripturally sound.
Artwork: 5 out of 7 Little Lights
Writing: 5 out of 7 Little Lights
Age-Appropriateness: 7 out of 7 Little Lights
Theological Message: 5 out of 7 Little Lights
Overall: 6 out of 7 Little Lights
One of my favorite parts of this comic devotional is how much love there is for superhero comics and the attention to detail it has. The devotional section that was after each mini story was designed to look like a newspaper headline, harkening back to a classic superhero comic themes and styles. Absolutely delightful!
I think the one thing that I did not like about the comic is the fact that the only girl superhero on the team seems to just make confusing fog as her power. Now, the stories were pretty brief and there were several others on the superhero team that they didn’t dive into, so I figure she might have other, fog or maybe weather-related powers that will show up in later comics.
However, as a woman — and former teenage girl who was obsessed with comics and superheroes — that’s a pretty boring ability. It felt like a lot of media I read growing up where all the boy characters were given cool, strong abilities/roles (and not necessarily ones based in physical strength) in the story and the token girl character was given some lame, delicate ability that was of no help at all.
That one complaint aside, I think this is a pretty spectacular comic and devotional for superhero-obsessed kids. The theology is solid and focuses a lot on selflessness and self-sacrifice, as well as teamwork. A lot of love for both superheroes and Christ was poured into this project, and it shows in an excellent way.
Rescue Me! is a superhero-themed comic book devotional from Bryce Morgan and Mitch Martin. With plenty of fun action, throwbacks to old comic book styles, and a solid gospel message, this devotional is both charming and delightful.
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