#SumUpSaturday: Writing (General)

This article was originally published on September 5, 2020

(time to wrap things up…)

#SaviorSunday: This week, we’ll be discussing #Writing, in general, and how it relates to what we do here at Brainy Pixel. Writing is at the core of everything we do and while everything we make starts with an idea, its first incarnation is almost always in the form of writing. It’s fairly clear that without language, there can be no true communication between people and writing is one of the most basic forms of both language and communication. Also, writing is clearly one of the ways God intends to speak to us, as He has given us the written Word. It’s our duty, therefore, to choose with care the words we write and to do so in the pursuit of the glory of God and the proclamation of His Gospel.

Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” Revelation 19:9

#MotivateMeMonday:  Hidden Stories Profit No One. One of the best things I've learned as a  writer is to write and share. It doesn't matter HOW you do it - write  them down and send them in the mail, post them on a blog, paint them on a  wall, email them to friends - it only matters THAT you DO IT. This  teaches a writer three critical skills: 1. FINISHING WORK, 2.  DISCONNECTING FROM YOUR WORK, 3. ACCEPTING FEEDBACK ON YOUR WORK. I  encourage you to finish SOMETHING this week and put it out there for the  world to see. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

#TeachMeTuesday: Ya gotta to decide if you're a plotter or a pantser (do you outline your story, or just make it up as you go along). Both have their benefits and their downsides. The only way to know is to DO. Start #Writing And See What Works. #WritingCommnunity

#WowMeWednesday: #Writing can be tough, but when you stick to it, it can be well worth it. An example is our CCO's passion project, #TenetsTales, which has been in work for nearly two decades! #BrainyPixel is proud to have the property among our other wonderful #Christian IP.

Let us know what you think of it!

#TeaseMeThursday: #Writing is all about making decisions and honing words like a knife. Many early drafts of our #fourthworldfour #pilot had several #flashbacks which we used to show the audience more insight into our characters. Here's one of the flashbacks that we cut about #Lea the #captain...and some new #Lea art to boot!
Let us know what you think of the #scene! Wanna know more about Lea and #fourthworldfour? Check it out here: https://brainypixel.com/fourth-world-four

#FollowFriday: Time to give a #SHOUTOUT to some of my #awesome #writing pals, co-authors, and collaborators. They might not all be "squirts", but they all TOTALLY ROCK!
Raulston Hunsinger
Corey Blankenship
John Langley
Davis Riddle
Nathan Ellsworth
R Brannon Hall
Daniel Hancock
Barron Robert Bell
Barry Cook

#BonusContent: Here are some awesome books to help you learn the craft of writing, we can attest from personal experience!

Please let us know what YOU #WRITE!


Social Media Achievement: Unlocked!


#SumUpSaturday: Idea Generation