Writing Christian Cartoons and Comics, 2020 Year in Review
The reason for this is that back in April (April Fool's Day, in fact), I was blessed to go full time with Brainy Pixel, and as such, for the last 9 months, I've been living my dream life: working from home as a full-time writer/creator. It's the job..

#SumUpSaturday: Writing (General)
#SaviorSunday: This week, we’ll be discussing #Writing, in general, and how it relates to what we do here at Brainy Pixel. Writing is at the core of everything we do and while everything we make starts with an idea, its first incarnation is almost always in the form of…

#SumUpSaturday: Idea Generation
#SaviorSunday: This week, we'll be talking about creativity in general, and specifically, where our ideas come from. We love creating new things and…