#SumUpSaturday: MOCAP
This article was originally published on July 4, 2020
#SaviorSunday: MOCAP is hard, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Sure, it looks fun (and it is) but it's a tough, technical job with lots of interlinking parts and any one of these parts can fail at any time. Be patient with your crew and your actors and make sure you're filled with grace. Remember Ephesians 4:2, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
#MotivateMeMonday: If you're thinking about learning more about #mocap, stick with us this week as we share things we've learned during our #mocap #journey! If you have #mocap #questions post them in the Discussion Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/393953461562715/ and we'll do our best to answer them on our #mocap #FeedbackFriday! For today, if you have an iPhone 11 and want to try your hand at doing some facial motion capture, download Aquifer Motion's free app, slap together a DIY motion capture helmet on the cheap and like Mater says, git er done! We used this video as inspiration for our helmet and it only cost us about $30! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhcMOn996hs Post pics of what you come up with!
#TeachMeTuesday: One of the challenging aspects of doing #mocap is making sure that you're ready for the bumps in the road. THEY WILL COME. There are lots of little technical challenges that relate to doing #mocap, so don't presume that it will come easily. Pray over your equipment and your actors. Be patient with everyone involved. Expect technical glitches. Be ready to adapt, improvise, and pivot. Also, have a repair kit on hand: sharpies, odd bits of twine or string, bungie cords, an extra belt or two, headbands, wristbands, lots of rubber bands, gaffer/duck tape, twist ties, and other sundries - you'll never know where or when you'll need them but you most likely will.
#WowMeWednesday: Here's some #mocap in action for the #cubekins #pilot that we currently have in #production. Check out the well known Brittany Smith as he becomes Kara, the of't bossy big sister to our main character, Kip! By the way, it's important to state that all of the #animation here is raw #mocap and #facecap data - no clean-up! If you know #3danimaiton, then you'll know to be amazed! Be sure and check out Brittany's YouTube channel. She's waaaay more than just an amazing #mocap actor: http://youtube.com/user/brittanysmithsings
#TeaseMeThursday: We've been working for the last couple of years learning #mocap. It's been a long journey and we've had a blast along the way. Here's a test from a test project called Toil & Trouble that we shot late last year using a #PerceptionNeuron #mocap suit. This little short will eventually be produced, and it holds a dear place in our hearts. :) Feel free to share!
#FeedbackFriday: Join us here for our #mocap #discussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/393953461562715/
#BonusContent: Check out these links for more awesome #mocap resources: