Behind the Bulb, Ep. 01
Go "behind the bulb"! Learn about events, sneaks, processes, & the blokes behind Brainy Pixel. A new series where we answer your questions & talk with you!

Marvel's What If...? (Ep. 6)
An episode of What If…? centered on Wakanda and no M’Baku? Worst episode ever!
Wait, I’m just kidding! In all seriousness though, I was genuinely disappointed by the conspicuous absence of M’Baku from this story. Since his first appearance in Black Panther I thought he was…

Marvel's What If...? (Ep. 5)
…guess what? I didn’t just dislike it… I positively detested it. That being said, I will try to keep this review as objective as I possibly can, but if I descend into an epic rant about how much I hated this episode, I make no apologies. That’s just how I feel. Also, we’re in full on spoiler mode. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Now, let us begin the post mortem, shall we?
What If… Zombies?!

Marvel's What If...? (Ep. 4)
The first three episodes of Marvel’s What If…? were fun re-imaginings of familiar MCU characters and story lines but I couldn’t help feeling that the writers seemed to be playing things fairly conservative. In retrospect…

Marvel's What If...? (Ep. 3)
Three episodes in, I continue to be impressed by the high standards of animation and storytelling that Marvel Studios and its partners have set for themselves in What If…? the first MCU animated series.
From what I had heard online about this episode, I had expected a focus on action and

Marvel's What If...? (Ep. 2)
Marvel Studios first animated series hit the ground running with an action-packed premier episode. For their second foray into the realms of the multiverse, Marvel elegantly merges The Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther mythologies into a fun and at times emotional new story.

Marvel’s What If...? (Ep. 1)
“What If… Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?”
Captain America is my favorite Marvel hero and I’ve long been of the opinion that Captain America: The First Avenger is the most underrated MCU film, so I was excited that Marvel Studios chose to feature Peggy Carter’s story in the inaugural episode.

Unreal Engine Camera Offset Issue: Lessons Learned
I’ve been working in Unreal Engine for close to a year now, and there’s been one frustrating issue that I’ve run into several times yet never been able to find any mention of. It’s possible that this is common knowledge and my lack of experience is what’s thwarted me all this time, but I felt it was worth documenting anyways.

#SumUpSaturday: MOCAP
#SaviorSunday: MOCAP is hard, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Sure, it looks fun (and it is) but it's a tough, technical job with lots of interlinking parts and any one of these parts can fail at any time. Be patient…

Robot Animation Update - 02
It has been an exciting couple of weeks for the robot animation project and we are seeing God's provision at each step. Brannon wrote his first screenplay titled…

Robot Animation Update - 01
So it begins! The beginning of a project can be exciting and a bit scary. Once you have done your best to seek God's will for your project, you just have to step out and move forward humbly with faith keeping your eyes on the Lord…