Don't Be Arrogant About Your Talents
Pride is one of the sneakiest sins. It creeps into everything, it’s sometimes hard to spot, and it causes a whole host of other sins and worries. Pride can even worm into our initially good intentions and cause major issues when we think we’re glorifying God!

Everything We Do is for the Praise and Glory of God
Everything we do, we need to do it for the praise and glory of God.

But I Have No Confidence!
That’s okay.
Wait…aren’t you supposed to tell me I need more confidence in myself?
Nope, you don’t need it, Christian creative!

God Has a Plan for You
So, you’ve been created, you’ve got Jesus in your heart, and you have a drive, set of talents, or abilities that you want to use for some grand purpose…now what?

God Gives People Talents and Abilities
If God has a task He wants done on this Earth, He gets it done. Sometimes He uses miracles that only He can perform (manna from heaven, Exodus 16; raising Lazarus, John 11), sometimes He uses plagues brought about from His wrath [the famous 10 against Egypt, Exodus 7-12; tumors against the people of Ashdod, 1 Samuel 5:6], and sometimes He uses people.

God Created YOU
God creates, God created all things, and God created humanity. This is all good and this is all important, but how does it tie into encouraging you, specifically? Easy: God created you.

God Created Humanity
“If you put an infinite number of monkeys in front of an infinite number of typewriters, you’ll eventually get Shakespeare.” It’s a quote that’s meant for discussing statistics, rather than biology or creation, but it incidentally makes an important point. It lets us ask the question: how will the monkeys write Shakespeare?

God Created All Things
Have you ever taken a moment to really look at a platypus? Yes, obviously they’re weird on a surface level and strange in the fact that they are mammals that lay eggs and nurse young, but have you really stopped to look at them? Compared to, say, a beaver or a river otter, or even a capybara, they are weird.

God Creates
Genesis 1:1 might be a cliche to start a Scriptural blog post series with, but there is a reason that it’s the first verse of the Bible: it reveals a key element to God’s nature, He is a God who creates.

Encouraging the Christian Creative: Introduction
Hello, my brothers and sisters in Christ! Welcome to Brainy Pixel’s newest blog series: Encouraging the Christian Creative (ECC).
This blog series is for all of us who need a little encouragement.