God Gives People Talents and Abilities
God Has Given Us Talents, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker God Has Given Us Talents, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker

God Gives People Talents and Abilities

If God has a task He wants done on this Earth, He gets it done. Sometimes He uses miracles that only He can perform (manna from heaven, Exodus 16; raising Lazarus, John 11), sometimes He uses plagues brought about from His wrath [the famous 10 against Egypt, Exodus 7-12; tumors against the people of Ashdod, 1 Samuel 5:6], and sometimes He uses people.

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God Created Humanity
God Creates, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker God Creates, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker

God Created Humanity

“If you put an infinite number of monkeys in front of an infinite number of typewriters, you’ll eventually get Shakespeare.” It’s a quote that’s meant for discussing statistics, rather than biology or creation, but it incidentally makes an important point. It lets us ask the question: how will the monkeys write Shakespeare?

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God Created All Things
God Creates, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker God Creates, ECC, Season 1 Brainy Worker

God Created All Things

Have you ever taken a moment to really look at a platypus? Yes, obviously they’re weird on a surface level and strange in the fact that they are mammals that lay eggs and nurse young, but have you really stopped to look at them? Compared to, say, a beaver or a river otter, or even a capybara, they are weird.

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